"The same equations have the same solutions." ~ Richard P. Feynman
Feynman was a phenomenal physicist, but surprisingly the scope of this statement soars beyond the realm of Quantum Physics. Just today I realized the truth of this claim as it applies to the following scenario:Problem: If our Dorm Hall doesn't start picking up it's trash EVERY resident will be fined $50.
Explanation: I am in college I have no money and would rather not possess (-$50).
Solution: A while ago I saw a
presentation {trend-something I'll add it later if I think of it}, and this
presentation talked about knowing your audience, your customer on a fundamental
level. Ok, well most of the guys in my Hall are pure
red-necks. This reminded me that the example given in the same
presentation was for a roadside trash problem in the state of
The state of Texas had been running
an advertisement which featured an Indian with a tear down his cheek.
However the problem persisted, so they hired a professional team to go and document
what type of people litter in Texas, this took a lot of time and money but the
results were quite predictable: "middle aged males, with
pickups"....this is a dictionary definition of the word
In other words all I had to do was mimic the solution that the state of Texas used. What was that solution?... CHUCK NORRIS!!!
SUCCESS, so now I get to my point of
epitome. Mind you I have only had this poster up in a few places for ONE
DAY. Today, a guy from another part of our hall came into our hall lobby
and threw a bunch of leaves on top of some of the guys as a joke. Result:
one of the guys in the room says "Ahhh, don't *make CHUCK
mad*!!!!!!!" and promptly seeks out and attains a vacuum cleaner, and
vacuums the entire lobby. It looks like I won't have to pay a $50 fee any
time soon.
Moral of the story: Has the problem you are currently facing already been solved for you? If so implement the solution, and watch the fireworks!
Happy problem solving!
"7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace 8 that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, 9 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ" ~ Ephesians 1:7-9
Jordan D. Ulmer
LOL!!! This is great ;)
Hi Jordan! Your situation reminds me of when I was resident assistant! Wowzers! That was 1993-1994! Aunt Christine was an RA too don't remember what hall it was tho.