“Intellectual capital is packaged useful knowledge.” ~ Prof. David Klein and Laurence Prusak
Organized information and the internet are both powerful tools which allow people to learn at much higher speeds. However, due to the vast vista of modalities (approaches) and plethora of content, using these tools can be overwhelming, so I have been creating a dynamic list which acts as my standard reference and wanted to share it enjoy.
Rating ID | Value | Description |
AA | 1 | Best - Exceeding Expectations |
A | 2 | Great - Worth Your Time |
B | 3 | Ok - May Contain Helpful Content |
C | 4 | Ok, Beneficial In Spesific Sectors |
D | 5 | Of Last Resort |
Group ID | Definition |
1 | Book Acquisition |
2 | Helpful College Resources |
3 | Audio Media |
4 | Online Lecture Resources Watch, Learn, & Take Notes |
5 | Theology |
6 | Online Resource Lists |
7 | Documentation Resources |
8 | Interactive , Simulations |
9 | Electrical Engineering |
10 | Cheat Sheets - This Is Not Cheating, It's A Term Meaning Compact And Informative Document. |
11 | Computer Science, Software, Programming, Operating Systems |
12 | Languages |
13 | Blogs, Magazines |
14 | Internet Tools |
15 | Youtube Channels |
16 | Mathematics |
17 | Book Review |
18 | Scientific Publication |
19 | Physics |
20 | Q&A Feeds |
21 | Chemistry |
Resource Name: | Resource: | Description: | Member Of Group: | Grade (A-D) |
Free Book Center | http://freebookcentre.net/ | ,1,2 | A | |
Wiki Books | http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Subject:Electrical_engineering | ,1,2 | A | |
Free Ed | http://free-ed.net/ | ,4 | A | |
Learners TV | http://www.learnerstv.com/ | ,4 | A | |
Yale Open Courseware | http://oyc.yale.edu/ | ,4 | A | |
Academic Earth | http://www.academicearth.org/ | Large Culmination Of Material | ,4 | A |
Open Courseware Consortium | http://www.ocwconsortium.org/ | Good Variety | ,4 | A |
Free Info Society | http://www.freeinfosociety.com | ,7 | A | |
Shodor Interactive | http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/ | Complex Simulations | ,8 | A |
Encyclopedia of Math | http://www.encyclopediaofmath.org | Specific And Detailed Perfect Technical Reference | ,7,16 | A |
52 Google tips | http://www.teachthought.com/technology/52-google-tips-for-college-students/ | ,13 | A | |
Getting more out of Google | http://www.hackcollege.com/blog/2011/11/23/infographic-get-more-out-of-google.html | ,13 | A | |
Empirical Zeal | http://www.empiricalzeal.com/ | ,13,9 | A | |
Sean Carroll | http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/ | Technical Blog | ,13,8,9 | A |
Scale of the universe | http://htwins.net/scale2/ | ,8 | A | |
The Character of Physical Law | http://research.microsoft.com/apps/tools/tuva/ | Lectures From Richard Feynman | ,4,9 | A |
Periodic Videos | http://www.periodicvideos.com/ | ,15 | A | |
Crash Course | http://www.youtube.com/user/crashcourse | ,15 | A | |
The Brain Scoop | http://www.youtube.com/thebrainscoop | ,15 | A | |
Vi Hart | http://www.youtube.com/vihart | ,15 | A | |
George Hart | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTl0dASnxto6j2wlVs5Bs2Q | ,15 | A | |
Numberphile | http://www.numberphile.com/ | ,15 | A | |
TED-Ed | http://www.youtube.com/teded | ,15 | A | |
Harvard Library | http://lib.harvard.edu/ | ,1,2 | A | |
Librivox | https://catalog.librivox.org/ | Free Audio Books | ,1,2,3 | A |
Speed Reader | http://www.spreeder.com/app.php | Tool For Parsing Content (Speed Reading): | ,8,12 | A |
The Open University | http://www.open.edu/openlearn/ | ,4,7 | A | |
Paul's Online Math Notes | http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu | ,7,16 | A | |
Doc Physics | http://www.youtube.com/user/diggitydev | Great, Short, Written Note Physics Lectures | ,15 | A |
Ebookbrowse | http://ebookbrowse.com/ | Awesome Tool For Finding Contemporary Books. | ,1 | A |
Math.uh.edu | http://online.math.uh.edu/HoustonACT/videocalculus/index.html | ,5,16 | A | |
CK12 | http://www.ck12.org | ,4 | A | |
Math Vids | http://mathvids.com | ,4,16 | A | |
Stanford Engineering Everywhere | http://see.stanford.edu/see/courses.aspx | ,9,4 | A | |
Tesla Library | http://www.electrotherapymuseum.com/Library/Library2008Tesla.htm | Library Of Tesla Research: Pioneers Of Tesla Coils And Tesla Technologies | ,9,7 | A |
Bugman123 | http://www.bugman123.com/index.html | Awesome Physics Simulations! | 8,9 | A |
wikihow | http://www.wikihow.com | Plethora Of Articles And Well Organized Documentation! | ,7 | A |
slader | http://www.slader.com | Online Textbook Solutions | ,7,16 | A |
math.gatech | http://people.math.gatech.edu/~cain/textbooks/onlinebooks.html | Great List Of Online Mathematical Textbooks | ,1,6,16 | A |
Investopedia | http://www.investopedia.com | Great Economics Resource Content. | ,5,7 | A |
phys.org | http://phys.org/ | Great Physics Bolog. | ,13 | A |
math2 | http://math2.org/ | Great Math Reference Site. | ,7 | A |
culturecrossing | http://www.culturecrossing.net/ | ,12 | A | |
Collins language resources | http://www.collinslanguage.com/free-resources/easy-learning-resources | ,12 | A | |
Project Gutenberg | http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/scores/top | Tons Of Classic EBooks. | ,1,7 | A |
Open Course Library | http://opencourselibrary.org/ | Plethora Of Documented Resources. | ,7 | A |
Los Alamos National Laboratory | http://lanl.arxiv.org/ | Plethora Of Contemporary Articles Regarding Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance And Statistics. | ,7,16 | A |
Slidenerd | http://slidenerd.com/ | Awesome Programming Tutorials | ,11,15 | A |
Metaresearch | http://www.metaresearch.org/home.asp | Neat Articles On Relativity | ,5,7 | A |
Academic Earth | http://academicearth.org/ | Great Online Lecture Site For Any Subject. | ,4,11 | A |
StudyTonight | http://www.studytonight.com/ | Great Online Lecture Courseware | ,4,11 | A |
MergePdf | http://merge.smallpdf.com/ | ,14 | A | |
Splengua | http://hlrnet.com/splengua.htm | Great Tool For Learning Spanish | ,6,12 | A |
chemreference | http://chemreference.com/ | Interactive Periodic Table | ,14 | A |
academiatica | http://www.academatica.com/ | Spanish Lecture Site | ,4,12 | A |
educatina | http://www.educatina.com/ | Spanish Educational | ,4,12 | A |
facstaff | http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mastascu/eLessonsHTML/BookIndexBasicEE.html | Electrical Engineering | ,9 | A |
College Toolkit | http://colleges.collegetoolkit.com | Great College Comparison Tool | ,2,8,14 | A |
Web-Books | http://www.web-books.com/ | Awesome Collection Of Online Textbook Style Information. | ,1,7 | A |
Ebook3000 | http://www.ebook3000.com | A Bunch Of Free Electronic Books. | ,1,7 | A |
ResearchGate | http://www.researchgate.net/ | Free Scientific Publication Website. | ,7,13,18 | A |
Webqc | http://www.webqc.org/mmcalc.php | Awesome Molar Mass Calculator For Radionuclides | ,14,19 | A |
Quora | https://www.quora.com/ | Questions And Answers From Famous Experts | ,13,20 | A |
OneLook | http://www.onelook.com/ | Great Non-Conventional Online Dictionary | ,12,14 | A |
Scrabblefinder | http://www.scrabblefinder.com | Wonderful Dictionary Reference Offering Neat Ways To Find Words From Parts Of Words | ,12,14 | A |
chemreference | http://christianaudio.com/free/ | Free Christian Audiobooks… | ,1,3 | A |
Chemnetbase | http://ccd.chemnetbase.com/dictionary-search.do | Chemical Dictionary With An Interactive Chemical Drawing Java Applet | ,9,14,21 | A |
Depth First | http://depth-first.com/articles/2011/10/12/sixty-four-free-chemistry-databases/ | Chemistry Databases | ,6,21 | A |
Cosmo learning | http://www.cosmolearning.com/ | ,4 | AA | |
Books Should Be Free | http://www.booksshouldbefree.com | This Is Awesome Audio Books And Pdf, Kindle , Nook Files… | ,1 | AA |
Kahn Academy | http://www.khanacademy.org | Original Approach To Teaching Via "Written" Video Tutorials | ,4 | AA |
TED | http://www.ted.com/ | Only 30% Ideas Worth Spreading - Discretion Advice | ,4 | AA |
MIT Open Courseware | http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm | ,4 | AA | |
EDX Courses | https://www.edx.org/courses | Free Interactive Online Lectures , And Resources. | ,4,8 | AA |
Hyper Physics | http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hph.html | Amazingly Liked Resource, Physical Cd Available, But Free Online | ,7,8,9 | AA |
Falstad Physics Simulations | http://www.falstad.com/mathphysics.html | This Is An Amazing Physics Visualization Website: | ,8,6,9,15 | AA |
Cheat-Sheets | http://www.cheat-sheets.org/ | ,10 | AA | |
Wikipedia | http://en.wikipedia.org | ,7 | AA | |
My Languages | http://mylanguages.org/ | ,12,3 | AA | |
Online Engineering Courseware | http://onlineengineeringprograms.org/2010/50-free-open-courseware-classes-about-every-type-of-engineering/ | ,13,9 | AA | |
Stumble upon | http://www.stumbleupon.com/home | This Tool Is How I Find So Much On The Internet! | ,14 | AA |
www.google.com | Yes I Had To Include Google | ,14 | AA | |
Microsoft Research | http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/ | Contemporary Research Like Ted | ,4,9 | AA |
Sixty Symbols | http://www.sixtysymbols.com/ | ,4,9,15 | AA | |
Veritasium | http://www.youtube.com/user/1veritasium | ,15 | AA | |
Minute Physics | http://www.youtube.com/user/minutephysics | Phenomenal YouTube Chanel With Simple High Level Explanations To Difficult Topics. | ,15 | AA |
17Calculus | http://17calculus.com/ | Wonderful Calculus Resource Text Based But Interactive And Video-Solutions | ,4,7,16 | AA |
The art of Manliness | http://www.artofmanliness.com | Amazing Blog With Some Inspirational And Educational Content. | ,13 | AA |
Downappz | http://www.ebooks.downappz.com | The Only Hindrance Is The Mass Of Data To Sift Through | ,1 | AA |
100 lectures | http://www.bestcollegesonline.com/blog/2009/06/18/100-incredible-lectures-from-the-worlds-top-scientists/ | ,2,4,6 | AA | |
eevblog | http://www.eevblog.com/ | Great Videos About Circuits. | ,4,9,13 | AA |
goodreads | http://www.goodreads.com/ | Awesome Book Review And Summary Website. | ,17 | AA |
Over API | http://overapi.com/ | ,10,11 | AA | |
openculture | http://www.openculture.com | An All Around Awesome Educational Website. | ,1,4,7,13 | AA |
ForeignLanguageExpertise | http://www.foreignlanguageexpertise.com/index.html | ,12 | AA | |
gotapi | http://www.gotapi.com/css | Great Source Of Programming Cheat Sheets | ,7,11 | AA |
tutorialspdf | http://www.tutorialspdf.com/ | Great Source Of Tutorials | ,7 | AA |
Duolingo | http://www.duolingo.com | ,12,8 | AA | |
No Excuse List | http://www.noexcuselist.com/everything | ,6,4 | AA | |
Afriedman Cheat Sheets | https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~afriedman/CheatSheetsIndex.html | Some Great References For Complex Content. | ,10,7,16 | AA |
Patricjmt | http://patrickjmt.com/ | Great Math Videos | ,4,15,16 | AA |
Udacity | https://www.udacity.com/courses | Awesome Free Full Fledged Courses | ,4 | AA |
Saylor | http://www.saylor.org/ | Great Text And Video Subject Submersion | ,4 | AA |
coursera | https://www.coursera.org | Accredited Free Courseware. | ,4 | AA |
Class Central | http://www.class-central.com/ | More Mooc | ,4 | AA |
Research and Development Magazine | http://www.rdmag.com | Great Website To Stay Current In Technology R&D. | ,7,13 | AA |
Compress PDF | http://compress.smallpdf.com/ | ,14 | AA | |
PhysicistMichael | http://www.youtube.com/user/PhysicistMichael | Great Free Lecture Content On Relativity | ,4,15 | AA |
Wolfram Science World | http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/ | Awesome Documented Resources Of Numerous Theorem And Subject Areas. | ,7 | AA |
Spanish-Phonetics | http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/spanish/frameset.html | An Amazing Tool Put On By The University Of Iowa To Understand Spanish Phonetics | ,8,12 | AA |
ebookfriendly | http://ebookfriendly.com/free-public-domain-books-sources/ | Great EBook Source List | ,1,6 | AA |
100-free-book-sites | http://justenglish.me/2012/09/01/free-books-100-legal-sites-to-download-literature/ | Book Sites | ,1,6 | AA |
statglos | http://www.animatedsoftware.com/statglos/statglos.htm#index | Great Statistics Glossary! | ,16 | AA |
regexlib | http://regexlib.com | General Use Help With Regular Expressions | ,11,7,13 | AA |
rexegg | http://www.rexegg.com/regex-quickstart.html | Nice Cheat Sheet For Regular Expressions | ,10,11,7 | AA |
YouTube mp3 | http://www.youtube-mp3.org/ | Download YouTube As Mp3 | ,3,14 | AA |
GeGeek | http://www.gegeek.com/documents/649546B630371346316B2DAAD5D323C7F7B73A14.html | Huge Interlinked Archive Of Cheat Sheets! | ,10 | AA |
MakeUseOf | http://www.makeuseof.com/pages/ | Great Source Of Free EBooks | ,1,2,7 | AA |
FreeBookEZ | http://www.freebookez.com | Awesome Resource Actually Free EBooks | ,1,7 | AA |
Respect Chemistry | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1H9oJxFswNxNjkw9naz7HQ | Great Short Quantum Mechanics Lectures | ,15,19 | AA |
Newton Physics | http://www.newtonphysics.on.ca/ | Neat Classical And Quantum Physics Articles And Books | ,6,7,19 | AA |
Google Books | http://books.google.com/ | ,1,2 | B | |
Best Free Education | http://lifehacker.com/5615716/where-to-get-the-best-free-education-online | ,4,6 | B | |
Life Hacker | http://lifehacker.com | ,13 | B | |
Hack A Day | http://hackaday.com/ | ,13,9 | B | |
Wikiversity | http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikiversity:Main_Page | ,7 | B | |
All about Circuits | http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/ | Very Specific To Electrical Circuits | ,7,9 | B |
Wolfram Demonstrations | http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/ | Bit Difficult Begin But Useful Complex Interactive Tools Once You Have The Right Software | ,8 | B |
Calculus Help Cheat Sheet | http://www.calculus-help.com/cheat-sheet/ | Specifically For Calculus | ,10,7 | B |
Learn Street | http://www.learnstreet.com/ | ,11,8 | B | |
Code | http://www.codecademy.com/ | ,11,8 | B | |
Open Culture | http://www.openculture.com/freelanguagelessons | ,12,3 | B | |
Curikiblog | http://currikiblog.wordpress.com/2010/08/31/10-sources-for-free-textbooks-online/ | ,13,6 | B | |
About Free textbooks | http://websearch.about.com/od/booksandprintedmaterials/tp/Free-Textbooks-Online.htm | ,13,6 | B | |
Free EBooks | http://itmanagersinbox.com/1875/13-sites-to-download-free-ebooks/ | ,13,6 | B | |
Personal Development | http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/22-killer-personal-development-resources.html | ,13,6 | B | |
Computer Science Open Source Classes | http://www.mastersincomputerscience.net/top-50-free-open-source-classes-on-computer-science.html | ,13,6 | B | |
It's Okay To Be Smart | http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com/ | ,13 | B | |
Radio lab | http://www.radiolab.org/ | ,13 | B | |
Smarter Every Day | http://www.youtube.com/destinws2 | ,15 | B | |
MinuteEarth | http://www.youtube.com/user/minuteearth | ,15 | B | |
Learner | http://www.learner.org/ | ,4,7,2 | B | |
Open Learn | http://www.youtube.com/user/Oulearn | ,4,15 | B | |
Ahmadi EBooks | http://users.telenet.be/ahmadi/ebooks.htm | ,1 | B | |
Demonocracy | http://demonocracy.info/ | Graphical Perspective On Economics | ,4,8 | B |
Hypertextbook | http://hypertextbook.com/ | Neat Collection Of Book Like Data. | ,1 | B |
math4u | http://www.math4u.us/references.html | Culmination Of Textbook Materials. | ,1,7 | B |
inktank | http://inktank.fi/40-websites-that-will-make-you-cleverer-right-now/ | Great List I'Ll Go Through And Add Each Suggestion At A Later Time | ,6,13 | B |
buzzle | http://www.buzzle.com | ,1,7 | B | |
Math Links | http://home.earthlink.net/~bhsfrisbie/MathLinks.html | ,6,16 | B | |
What Should I Read Next | http://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/ | ,1 | B | |
schemeit | http://www.digikey.com/schemeit# | Online Schematic Software | ,9 | B |
High Voltage Lab | http://www.high-voltage-lab.com/browse/power | ,9 | B | |
Free EE courses | http://www.programmerfish.com/40-free-online-electrical-engineering-courses/ | ,9,6,4 | B | |
planetmath | http://planetmath.org | ,16 | B | |
noodle.org | http://www.noodle.org/learn | Uniquely Tagged Formal And Informal Lecture Content. | ,4 | B |
seobook | http://tools.seobook.com/imme/ | Great Practical - Economics Linked Resource Map | ,6,7 | B |
surfacelanguages | http://www.surfacelanguages.com/ | ,3,12 | B | |
freelanguagelessons | http://www.openculture.com/freelanguagelessons | ,3,12,6 | B | |
ebookbrowse | http://ebookbrowse.com | ,6,7 | B | |
betterexplained | http://betterexplained.com/ | ,13,8,7 | B | |
faxzero | http://faxzero.com/ | Fax A Pdf Over The Internet | ,14 | B |
Linguistics Research Center | http://www.utexas.edu/cola/centers/lrc/eieol/IEfam.html#Germanic | ,12 | B | |
BBC language learning | http://www.bbc.co.uk/learning/onlinecourses/ | ,12 | B | |
Text to voice | http://www2.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php | ,12,14 | B | |
Psi Epsilon Videos | http://psiepsilon.wordpress.com/videos/ | Great Complex Math And Physics Videos. | ,4 | B |
Udemy | https://www.udemy.com/ | Primarily Paid Courseware | ,4 | B |
open2study | https://www.open2study.com/ | ,4 | B | |
ODE-BOOKS | http://jerryfarlow.com/ode-books-online/ | Great List Of Ordanary Differential Equations Textbooks. | ,1,2,6,16 | B |
All about circuits | http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/ | Great Online Textbook Resource | ,7,9 | B |
Electronics Tutorials | http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/ | ,7,9 | B | |
TeachAstronomy | http://www.youtube.com/user/astropedia | Awesome Free Lecture Content, But The Guy Just Talks The Whole Time | ,4,15 | B |
CodingForGood | http://cfg.good.is/learn | Learning Code For Free | ,4,11 | B |
FYIcenter | http://dev.fyicenter.com/Interview-Questions/Java-1/index.html | Grate Java Guide | ,12 | B |
memrise | http://www.memrise.com | Language Learning But No Voice Recognition… | ,12 | B |
java2s | http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/CatalogJava.htm | Great Java Example Code Archive | ,11,7 | B |
Autonlab | http://www.autonlab.org/tutorials/ | Computer Science Algorithms | ,11,7 | B |
Guru 99 | http://www.guru99.com/unix-linux-tutorial.html | Free Linux Tutorials | ,7,11 | B |
Amazon | http://www.amazon.com/New-Used-Textbooks-Books/b?ie=UTF8&node=465600 | ,1,2 | C | |
Ebay | http://books.shop.ebay.com/ | ,1,2 | C | |
Abe Books | http://www.abebooks.com/ | ,1,2 | C | |
Text Book Revolution | http://www.textbookrevolution.org/index.php/Main_Page | ,1,2 | C | |
Faraday Institute | http://www.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/faraday/index.php | ,4,5 | C | |
Mind Tools | https://www.mindtools.com | ,7 | C | |
Literature Project | http://www.literatureproject.com/free-ebooks.htm | Some Free E Books. | ,1 | C |
Canoo | http://www.canoo.net/ | German Dictionary | ,14,12 | C |
Build a resistor | http://www.ealnet.com/m-eal/resistor/resistor.htm | Great Way To Illustrate Resistor Colors. | ,8,9 | C |
WISC | http://www.wisc-online.com | Interactive Tutorials. | ,8 | C |
Design Technology | http://www.design-technology.info/electronics/default.htm | All About Digital Electronics. | ,9,7 | C |
PICTutorial | http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~kws23/tutorials/PICTutorial/PICTutorial.html | (Pic) Programmable Interrupt Controller And Microcontroler Tutorials | ,9 | C |
Ureddit | http://www.ureddit.com | A Large Variety Of Informal Education L-Iy Center. | ,7,4,13 | C |
Physics Essays | http://www.physicsessays.com/ | Scholarly Article Archive And Publisher. | ,18,19 | C |
Free books biz | http://science.free-books.biz/ | ,1,2 | D | |
filesharingtalk | http://filesharingtalk.com/archive/index.php/t-422036.html | A Slightly Useful Discussion Regarding Textbook Hunting. | ,1,6 | D |
Last Updated: (07/18/2014)
Deo ac Veritati,
Deo ac Veritati,
Por Dios y la Verdad,
For God and Truth,
“13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. 14 Do everything in love.” ~ 1 Corinthians16:13-14 (NIV)
Jordan D. Ulmer
For more information about who I am and what I stand for please visit my Online Résumé: [https://sites.google.com/site/whoisjdu/home]
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