“Time, though, is a
commodity. Just like money, it’s an
asset, and a valuable one at that. So
it’s important that you manage your time like you would with any other
investment.” ~ Chad Hennings
A while back I was discussing the usefulness of Hot Keys and Run commandss with some local business owners, these things save a ton of time by allowing a computer user to use simple key combinations to do what may take a longer time with a 'mouse', I took some time to find a few breif video tutorials regarding these subjects:
Windows OS:
Hotkey Tutorials:
Run Command Tutorials:
Command Prompt - (CMD):
Ps. In any(Most) application with a menu of some sort you can tap the 'Alt' key (Alt key path commands)and follow the underlined letters to execute a command. For instance if here is one I use a lot I like to save a given doccument as a different name or in a different location, I could close it and find it in explorer and do fundamental operations (copy, paste ->move & rename) OR I could simply tap the 'Alt' key then press 'F' then press 'A', this is the equivalent of clicking on the menu's 'file' tab then clicking the Save As option.
Pss. Although this post targets Windows specific operations syntax the general notion of Hot keys and Run Commands is a universal concept applicable across platforms, Linux and Macs which are both ultimately Unix based.
Note: I am not a Mac user; thus the following videos may not be optimal training. If you have any other suggested content please feel free to leave me a comment.
Mac OSX:
Hotkey Tutorials:
Command Terminal Tutorials:
“15 But
if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this
day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates,
or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for
me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” ~ NIV Joshua 24:15